Thursday, 20 June 2013



That year went ridiculously fast. So much has happened in the last weeks never mind months I'm not sure there's enough room on this blog.

At the end of my last couple of posts, we were in the middle of moving flat through no choice of our own. We went on to find a gorgeous flat in the West End which I loved a lot and we spent a year there. A couple of months ago we moved into our current flat which is the opposite side of the city but no less lovely.

So, so far two moves.

Also at the end of my last posts I had just begun a new job which I'm still in. Though I've cut, burnt , bruised and staved all of my fingers at least twice it really is awesome, we're an awesome crew.

So, so far two moves and a new job.

This year both me and James chalked up 7 hospital visits. Backs, ribs, appendix, fingers, electrocution, you name it. We evidently are dangerous people to have in seemingly undangerous jobs.

So, so far, two moves, one new job, seven hospital visits.

Speaking of James, a couple of months back James asked if I'd like to be Mrs Special Jim, and we're now planning a 2014 wedding because I said yes.

So, so far two moves, one new job, seven hospital visits, and one engagement.

Did I also say I actually managed to graduate? Aye, I know! The 27th of June marks the last day of 4 crazy, difficult, free, epic years of my life. My brother is also leaving college with great qualifications, so bang goes our double student discount, forever!

So, so far two moves, one new job, seven hospital visits, one engagement and two graduations.

2013/14, you have a lot to live up to but I don't doubt for a second you'll be anything but extraordinary. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with you as I go along.

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