Tuesday 20 March 2012

I think I Jinxed It...

Out of nowhere we received a letter on Friday from our landlord stating that we had a month to leave our flat because he had decided to sell it. We were, and still are, totally gutted! The flat has been our home for the past two years and we love it, but unfortunately we have no choice in the matter.

So, for now we've decided the best option is to move back to our home town where we can spend the summer working and looking for a new flat up here before term starts back in September, which I guess isn't a bad thing. It's been three years since I spent a summer at home, and I'm really looking forward to spending time with my brother, going fishing and doing all the other "country" things that aren't around up here.

As if things weren't complicated enough what with the phoning companies and cancelling accounts, filling in paperwork, packing, and everything else, on Monday I got offered two jobs. Yup, two. I waited a whole term with nothing to get two offers after we decide to leave Glasgow. Turns out I can still do both even if it means travelling up from home every weekend so I suppose its not that bad. On top of this my boyfriend has been asked to work night shift, then abroad in the next couple of weeks so I'm going to have to manage sorting things out whilst he's away. Did I mention I'm in the middle of 7 exams and 5 essays? Argh!

Everything creative has been pushed to the back burner as most of my crafty stuff was the first to get packed (mainly so I don't get distracted...) and I may not be blogging very much until after May.

What looked to be a boring summer of money juggling has now been transformed into a crazy adventure!

Still gutted though. I only just memorized our phone number...

1 comment:

  1. Wow JD! What a rollercoaster of a few months! You sound like you are approaching it from a positive point of view though! Will be thinking of you as you adjust...and work your way through your exams and essays...hope you enjoy your job(s). Sounds exciting!!
    Thought of you yesterday - I was able to answer a question in the University Challenge final, thanks to you!...Steampunk...a couple of weeks ago that would have been another incomprehensible question the students could answer and us oldies at home struggled with!
    Take care and all the best for the next few fun packed and busy months!
    Ali x
